Saint Petersburg ~ White Nights Drawbridges Walking Tour Russia #GoPro8 Summer 4K

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Liteynyy bridge ????


Like Venice, St. Petersburg is spread across a lot of big and small islands and it's hard to walk more than a few hundred meters without crossing a bridge! St. Petersburg has the largest number of bridges of any city in the entire world. With a total of 539 bridges (315 in the historical center alone), not even Venice, Stockholm or Amsterdam can beat the city’s total! And more than 20 of all bridges are drawbridges. The elegance of some bridges can be compared only to the beauty of the city architectural ensembles. The bridges of St. Petersburg have become an integral part of the city.

During this tour you will see various bridges of St. Petersburg, including the Palace Bridge, the Trinity Bridge, and the Liteiniy (Foundry) Bridge.

Tour time: 23:55 – 02:30.​

The Palace Bridge connects Palace Square with the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. Owing to the proportions and forms, it harmonically blends with the ensembles of the Palace and University embankments. It is one of the most famous bridges in St. Petersburg: the silhouette of the drawn Palace Bridge with the belfry of the Peter and Paul Fortress in the middle is one of the remarkable features of the cityscape.

The Trinity Bridge connects the central part of the city with the Petrogradskaya side. It was built in 1897-1903 by French company Batinol. The length of the Trinity Bridge reaches 580 meters: it is the longest bridge over the Neva River.

The Liteiniy (Foundry) Bridge is the heaviest in the world. It was constructed in 1875-1879. The name to the bridge was given after Liteiniy Prospect, which occupies that part of the area where the foundry yards used to be. The Liteiniy Bridge was the first one in the city to be lighted with electric lamps. The railing of the bridge is made of cast iron, and it is decorated with bas-reliefs, depicting mermaids, carrying the coat of arms of the city. The bridge is equipped with modern device, which allows raising the drawn span just in 2 minutes.

Magical and magnificent by night, a drive through Saint-Petersburg and its beautiful illuminated buildings should not be missed by any visitor of the northern capital.

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