#2 Digital Standardisation and Technology Tour (12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva)

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'12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva' series: https://dig.watch/12tours

The 'Digital Standardisation and Technology Tour' is our second journey within the '12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva' series which takes us through the organisations that set standards for the digital world, ranging from mobile phones and computers, to business processes and digital governance.

Digital Standardisation and Technology Tour page:

About the series '12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva'

In November 2020, the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) launched the Geneva Digital Atlas, a state-of-the-art mapping of current actors, processes, and legal instruments dealing with digital in Geneva. The Atlas showed that most of the issues and processes are cross-cutting and transversal to the work of the many organisations.

Because of this wide variety, in 2021, the GIP will help you navigate Geneva’s rich digital policy and cultural scene through monthly thematic discussions ('tours').

Find out more at: https://dig.watch/12tours


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Geneva Internet Platform (GIP)

Website: https://www.giplatform.org
GIP Digital Watch observatory: https://dig.watch/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/genevagip
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenevaInternetPlatform
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